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Why You Should Consider Experiential Marketing for Your Next Event

August 17, 2023

Are you looking for ways to elevate your next event to an unforgettable and talked-about experience? If so, why not consider adding experiential marketing? 

In today’s lively event scene, traditional marketing methods are no longer enough to make your event and the brand you’re showcasing stand out. To establish a brand in the industry and attract your target audience, you need a marketing campaign that creates an emotional impact, boosts sales and awareness, and ultimately drives more value into the business. Experiential marketing offers precisely those. 

If you want to learn more about experiential marketing and its benefits, you are in the right place. In today’s blog post, we are going to give you an idea of what experiential marketing is and discuss its benefits for your next events in detail. 

What Is Experiential Marketing?

Experiential marketing (or engagement marketing) is one of the top five marketing channels that businesses utilize worldwide. Essentially, it is a marketing approach that uses interactive experiences to encourage engagement. Rather than simply presenting information through conventional marketing materials such as brochures or video presentations, experiential marketing provides audiences with an opportunity to get hands-on knowledge of what it's like using the showcased product or service.

There are different immersive activities that can be used for experiential marketing. Some famous examples include setting up kiosks, distributing samples, and hosting a mixture of games.

Benefits of Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing offers various benefits to organizers and the brands featured at an event. These benefits include the following.

1. Makes Events Extra Memorable

Have you heard about the Cone of Experience model created by world-renowned educator and researcher Edgar Dale? In said model, individuals were believed to remember 90% of what they do and only 10% of what they read. The same model suggests that individuals only tend to remember 50% of what they hear and see. 

Adhering to Dale’s Cone of Experience, we can safely say that experiential marketing is a practical approach to making events memorable. Since it involves activities that encourage people to do something, they are more likely to remember the event as well as other factors associated with it. These factors may include the brand or company that hosted the experiential activity, the unique and interactive rules, and the positive emotions felt at that moment. 

2. Helps Differentiate Your Event From Others 

When it comes to large events, it can be extra challenging to distinguish yourself, especially when going up against well-known brands. Nevertheless, do not feel discouraged because it is not impossible to stand out. One effective way to compete is through experiential marketing.

Depending on the marketer’s creativity and planning skills, they can plan unique activities that are exclusive only to the event or the brand they are representing. These activities can help differentiate their event from others. Additionally, they can generate positive word-of-mouth and potentially attract more participants. 

3. Boosts the Event’s Visibility Online

When event-goers have exceptional and exciting moments through experiential activities, they naturally want to share these with their friends or loved ones on social media. When they post photos, videos, and stories, they can increase your event’s visibility online organically. As a result, you can have more opportunities to widen your reach and tap into new markets.

4. Encourages Brand Loyalty

If you are organizing business events—such as corporate events, trade shows, and conferences—experiential marketing is an approach worth prioritizing. According to a report by Motista, the majority of consumers, 71% to be exact, are more likely to stay with a brand they have an emotional connection with. They are also more likely to recommend the brand to other people. 

By incorporating experiential marketing in your event, you provide event-goers with a shared experience with the brand that can evoke positive emotions. These emotions can come together and create a feeling of trust and security, which are essential in nurturing emotional connections, loyalty, and lasting relationships. 

5. Promotes Positive Brand Image 

Believe it or not, 91% of consumers gain more positive feelings toward a brand after they take part in a live event or experience. In experiential marketing, event organizers get a rare opportunity to engage with their audiences and shape their perceptions toward the brand they are showcasing. They can plan activities that can establish a brand’s positive image and highlight the benefits of their products effectively. 

6. Increases Financial Gains 

Did you know that 85% of consumers would be more inclined to purchase the brand’s product or service after participating in events and experiences? This is just one interesting statistics that show the effectiveness of experiential marketing. But how exactly is this possible?

As you have already learned from the aforementioned benefits, experiential marketing in your events encourages customers to participate in interactive activities. During these activities, they can learn about featured products and assess how these products can benefit their daily lives. Similarly, companies are given the opportunity to address customer concerns promptly, demonstrate the uniqueness of their products, and emphasize how their product can meet the customer’s certain needs. Through these interactive experiences, customers can fully understand the features, benefits, and value of the products. As a result, they can feel more confident in making a purchase. 

Looking for More Ways to Ensure Event Success? Look No Further Than StaffConnect

With its multiple benefits, there is no denying that experiential marketing can play a role in the success of an event. However, along with enhancing your marketing efforts, it is also essential to pay attention to your event management. If you are currently looking for ways to improve your event management to make your next events effective and unforgettable, StaffConnect is worth checking out. 

StaffConnect is an all-in-one event management power hub that automates tasks and simplifies processes. It is packed with a range of helpful tools, such as GPS check-in and check-out, a centralized database, calendar integration, payrollt, and a communications hub. Ultimately, our app aims to help you maximize your team's efficiency and productivity and save time and costs. 

Are you curious to learn more about how StaffConnect can enhance your event management? Book a free demo here and see firsthand how our app can benefit you.