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How to Build and Manage a Street Team in Event Staffing

William Newman
May 30, 2022

Approximately 16 million people per year across America are employed in various staffing positions. One such popular form of staffing today is what's known as street team event staffing.

Street team marketing can be an excellent way for companies to differentiate from their competition. But building and managing a street team is essential to get started successfully.

This is why we've written the following article to outline everything you need to know about street team event staffing.

What is a Street Team?

A street team is a group of people hired to promote a product, service, or event. Given their title, they fulfill their roles entirely on the street.

This is why they're a fundamental part of a strong street marketing campaign.

Street teams typically consist of young adults who are outgoing and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment. But the reality is that anyone with the right skills can form part of a street team.

The members of a street team are often given various tasks to be completed in their working day. These can include jobs like passing out flyers, interacting with potential customers, and handing out free samples.

Larger companies may employ lots of different street teams to cover a larger area. A team will be designated a particular street to work on, usually with high footfall.

This is where the trouble of managing a large number of street teams comes into play. But before we go into that, we're first going to outline how you can build your own street team.

How Can You Build a Street Team?

Building your own street team isn't as challenging as you'd first think.

The first step is to determine what tasks you need your team members to complete. This will determine how experienced you need your team members to be.

It'll also determine if they need any additional skills, such as being proficient with technology. After all, some street teams today use iPads, VR, or another tech to market certain products.

Once you have a list of tasks, you can start recruiting team members. This can be handled in any form you desire, such as using job posting websites or advertising in the local area.

Websites will give you more reach, but local people may know your area better. You can also reach out to specialist promotional event staffing agencies at this stage. This is particularly helpful if you need to onboard a large street team quickly.

Or, you could work with a temp agency which is another form of a staffing company. The choice will depend on your individual business needs.

What to Look For When Recruiting Street Team Members

When recruiting team members, it's important to look for individuals who are outgoing and have a positive attitude. This is because, ultimately, your street team members will need to be able to approach people in public.

You'll likely want them to be bubbly, natural salespeople. But different street team members may have different sales approaches.

Once you've assembled your team, the next step is to train them on how to complete their tasks. You'll need to teach them about your products and your company ethos.

It might be worth organizing trial shifts, so you can be sure you've hired the right people for the job. If they are, you'll need to provide them with an employment contract and pay them on time, just like any employee.

Or, if you'd prefer, you can organize paying them on a self-employed basis; this will need to be agreed upon with each team member.

Once you've completed this, you have your first street team assembled. Then, you need to learn how to manage your team or several teams at once.

How Can You Manage Street Teams?

Now that you know how to build a street team, it's time to learn how to manage one.

Today, the best way to do this is by investing in dedicated street team management software. Street team software solutions should have several dedicated features that help you manage a large number of teams at any given time.

Staff Connect for example, has software with many street team management features, including:

  • GPS Check-in and out
  • Talent Database
  • Event scheduling
  • Timesheets, invoicing, and payroll
  • Quizzes, surveys, and data collection
  • Communication tools

By investing in a software solution, you can streamline the process of managing your street team. There are several benefits to using these solutions, but first, we need to detail the benefits of establishing a street team.

What Are the Benefits of Employing a Street Team?

There are several significant ways in which street teams can be a reliable event marketing strategy. A few of them include the following:

A Unique Form of Marketing

Street teams offer a unique way to connect with potential customers that other forms of marketing simply do not provide.

For example, when you pass out flyers for an upcoming event, you can gauge the customer's interest and get their contact information so that you can follow up with them later.

This provides a direct customer interaction that isn't possible with a lot of online marketing today and that you can integrate into your marketing ideas.

Street Marketing Provides One-to-One Marketing Opportunities

These interactions are also one-to-one in most circumstances. It's therefore, a more relaxed, intimate way of informing people about your event or your products.

This makes these interactions more memorable for potential customers or attendees.

Street Marketing is Hyper-Focused

In addition, street teams allow you to target specific demographics that may be interested in your product or service.

If you're marketing a new type of energy drink, you may want to target college students who are looking for a way to stay awake during late-night study sessions.

Or, if you're organizing a new concert, you can establish a street team on a street with a lot of music venues. This means you can apply targeted, direct marketing initiatives aimed at individuals in the local area.

It's this ability to hyper-target your ideal customer demographics that helps set street teams apart as a marketing strategy.

Now that you know some of the key benefits of a street team, we're also going to highlight the many benefits of implementing street team management software.

What Are the Benefits of Using Street Team Management Software?

Managing street teams isn't an easy feat, but software can provide several key benefits, including:

Efficient Communication Between Team Members

Communication tools mean you can be in contact with all your team members at any given time. You'll be able to discuss how they're performing and how they're finding the experience.

This information can then help you improve their experience and your success rates in the future. Effective communication is vital to successfully managing employees in any workplace environment, and that includes promotional staff and street teams.

Key Insights into Schedules and Planning

The ability to manage your team members' schedules, tasks, and progress will allow you to keep track of your team's performance. All of this can be handled in one secure location.

This means you're able to plan everyone's different schedules ahead of time. If you're managing a large number of teams, this level of control can be invaluable.

You're also able to track all your employees and can even do so through a mobile application. This means you can always see where your street team members are at any given time.

Additional Key Benefits of Using Street Team Management Software

In addition to planning and communication, street team management software can help businesses by providing:

Financial Integration

Sophisticated software will help you organize payments through the software itself. This means you can also handle important financial matters like a payroll through a single dedicated system.

Tasks like invoicing and timesheets can be handled quickly, and immediately transferred to employees. This can simplify the payment process, which is essential when you're managing a lot of individual employees at once.

Detailed Visualization Into Everything, From Performance to Growth Potential

Finally, this software provides a heightened level of visualization into how your staffing teams are performing. You can track data like how many different staffing members you have working on a given day.

You can then assess where they're working and ask them directly how they're performing.

This level of visualization, combined with key data insights, can help you transform the performance of your street marketing plans in the future.

These represent just a few of the many benefits that staffing company management software can provide your company today.

Where Can I Find Out More About Street Team Event Staffing Software?

You should now know the many benefits of street teams, as well as street team event staffing software.

At Staff Connect, we have a sophisticated event staffing platform that can help you manage several different street teams at any given time. To find out more about the benefits our software can provide, make sure to contact our dedicated team of event staffing professionals directly.